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(716) 674-BEER

Hours: Mon - Thurs 11am - 12am (Kitchen 11am - 10pm)
Fri - Sat 11am - 2am (Kitchen 11am - 10pm)
Sun 11am - 10pm (Kitchen 11am - 9pm)

Burger Build Off

Throughout January 2018

Have a great burger recipe that you want to make famous? Enter it in our Burger Build Off competition to win a great Ale House prize pack, your burger featured as a weekly special in February, and the chance to have your creation made into a permanent fixture on the Ale House menu. Stop in until January 31st and enter your burger idea into our contest. Entries are required to use our 10 ounce ground chuck steak patties, on a Costanzo’s Roll, and will be judged by the Managers and/or Owners of the Ebenezer Ale House for originality, creativity, taste, and practicability. View our Facebook event for full rules and conditions.

Ebenezer Ale House Burger Build Off
Ebenezer Ale House Burger Build Off

Hours: Mon - Thurs 11am - 12am (Kitchen 11am - 10pm)
Fri - Sat 11am - 2am (Kitchen 11am - 10pm)
Sun 11am - 10pm (Kitchen 11am - 9pm)